Publications and Press Releases

Press Releases

2024-25 Financial Year

Date of Release Topic
28 June 2024 Financial results for the two months ended 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 Financial results for the month ended 30 April 2024

2023-24 Financial Year

Date of Release Topic
30 April 2024 Provisional financial results for the year ended 31 March 2024
28 March 2024 Financial results for the eleven months ended 29 February 2024
29 February 2024 Financial results for the ten months ended 31 January 2024
31 January 2024 Financial results for the nine months ended 31 December 2023
Advance Release Calendar for Monthly Financial Results for 2024 - 25
29 December 2023 Financial results for the eight months ended 30 November 2023
14 December 2023 Accrual-based Consolidated Government Accounts for 2022-23
30 November 2023 Financial results for the seven months ended 31 October 2023
31 October 2023 Financial results for the six months ended 30 September 2023
29 September 2023 Financial results for the five months ended 31 August 2023
31 August 2023 Financial results for the four months ended 31 July 2023
31 July 2023 Financial results for the three months ended 30 June 2023
30 June 2023 Financial results for the two months ended 31 May 2023
31 May 2023 Financial results for the month ended 30 April 2023

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