



The Pensions Division of the Treasury is responsible for payment of all pensions and retirement gratuities, including civil pensions payable under the Old Pension Scheme (OPS), the New Pension Scheme (NPS), the Judicial Officers Scheme (JOS), the dependant pensions payable under the Widows and Orphans Pension Scheme (WOPS) and the Surviving Spouses' and Children's Pensions Scheme (SSCPS), War Memorial Pensions Scheme (WMP) etc.

Payment method of pension

  • Pensions are payable monthly in arrears and in Hong Kong dollars. If payment is required in a currency other than Hong Kong dollars, it is converted at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of payment. Payment methods are as follows:
    • Payment by autopay to bank account in Hong Kong
      Pensioner can opt to receive the pension by autopay into his/her bank account in Hong Kong. Under this payment method, pension is normally paid on the last working day of each month and the pensioner is required to complete an Annual Declaration of Entitlement, which should be witnessed, to substantiate his/her entitlement to the pension.

      Pensioner, regardless his/her place of residence, is encouraged to use this payment method which is simple and easy to administer. Moreover, no handling fee will be imposed.
    • Payment by remittance or cheque / bank draft
      Pensioner can opt to receive pension by remittance to his/her bank account or by cheque / bank draft sent to his/her correspondence address. Under this payment method, the pensioner is required to complete a claim form, which should be witnessed, not earlier than the last day of the month(s) of which the pension is claimed. There may be bank charges payable by the pensioner.

      Under this method, pensioner needs to submit a claim form for each claim.
  • As payment of pension ceases upon the pensioner's death, the family of the deceased pensioner should inform the Pensions Enquiry Office of the Treasury of the death of the pensioner as early as possible.

    If the deceased pensioner was a contributor/former contributor of the Widows and Orphans Pension Scheme and the Surviving Spouses' and Children's Pension Scheme, his/her eligible dependant will be entitled to the dependant pension benefits.

Payment of pension increase

Pension payments are subject to adjustment in accordance with the Pensions (Increase) Ordinance (Cap 305). If the average monthly Consumer Price Index (A) of the period of 12 months beginning on 1 April of the previous year and ending on 31 March of the succeeding year, exceeds the average monthly Consumer Price Index (A) of the period of 12 months immediately preceding that first mentioned period by an amount which when expressed as a percentage exceeds 0.1%, the Chief Executive shall declare a percentage of increase equal to the excess expressed as a percentage. The rates of pension increase for the years from 2017 to the present are as follows:

With effect from % increase
1.4.2024 2.3%
1.4.2023 2.3%
1.4.2022 2.4%
1.4.2021 0.0%
1.4.2020 2.9%
1.4.2019 2.7%
1.4.2018 2.2%
1.4.2017 2.1%

Issue of statements

The following major statements will be issued to pensioners and deferred pensioners:

  • Payment advice
    Hard copy payment advice will be issued to pensioner (a) at the time of first payment of pension and (b) as and when there is change of pension payment. For those who have opted for receiving pension statement by email, payment advice for every payment will be sent to the pensioners' email address registered with us.
  • IR56C
    IR56C Return for Pension for the each financial year ended 31 March will be issued, around April, to those who receive pension payment in the relevant period.
  • Statement of Pension Benefit (Deferred Pension)
    This statement will be issued, around July each year, to inform deferred pensioner of his/her up-to-date entitlement to pension benefits prior to receipt of actual pension benefits.

Updating of pensioners' personal particulars in Medical and Dental Benefits Eligibility Checking System (ECS)

After implementation of the Medical and Dental Benefits Eligibility Checking System (ECS) in 2008, eligible pensioners covered by the ECS are no longer required to present a treatment application form when they attend the designated facilities. They only need to advise counter staff of designated facilities that they are eligible for civil service medical and dental benefits and produce valid proof of identity for their inspection. The latter will check their eligibility through the ECS.

Eligible pensioners should inform the Treasury promptly of any changes in personal particulars of themselves and their dependants (e.g. their marital status, the education status and physical or mental infirmity status of their dependent children at the age of 19 or 20) for updating the ECS database.

e-Portal for Pensioners

The “e-Portal for Pensioners” provides pensioners with a mobile-enabled on-line platform for the following major services:-

  • view pension details and payment information;
  • download pension statements;
  • update personal and family particulars by using “iAM Smart+”; and
  • submit Annual Declaration of Entitlement to Pension Benefits by using “iAM Smart+”.

Click here to access the “e-Portal for Pensioners”.

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