


Frequently Asked Questions

Payment of Pension

Q: When is the monthly pension released to me?

A: Pensioners normally receive their monthly pension in arrears on the last working day of each calendar month.

Q: Can I use a joint name bank account to receive my monthly pension?

A: Yes, it is allowable for pension payment arranged by the Treasury.

Q: Can I opt to receive all my pension in one go as a lump sum payment?

A: The maximum pension commutation rate is 25% and 50% respectively for officers retired under the OPS and NPS. Pensioners cannot commute 100% of their pension in one lump sum.

Q: How will pensioners be paid in case they wish to receive pensions direct from their non-local bank account?

A: Pensioners are advised/encouraged to liaise with local banks in Hong Kong if there are facilities to allow them to operate a local bank account in Hong Kong while residing outside Hong Kong, whether in Mainland or elsewhere. For example, through internet to transfer to their other non-local bank account. We may also arrange payment to a pensioner residing outside Hong Kong by means of telegraphic transfer/bank draft. Pensioners should note that they are responsible for charges imposed by banks, if any.

Q: Who can sign as witness to my Annual Declaration of Entitlement (Declaration)?

A: The Declaration form should be witnessed and the witness must attain the age of 18. If needed, the Pensions Enquiry Office of the Treasury can provide the witness service upon request by pensioners.

Death of Pensioner

Q: Can my spouse receive my pension after I die?

A: Payment of monthly pension ceases on the date immediately following the pensioner's death. No other person is entitled to the pensioner's pension after the pensioner's death.

Q: How do my family members notify the Treasury after I die?

A: The family members should contact our Pensions Enquiry Office at 3847 8300 (email address: as soon as possible. The supporting documents can subsequently be sent to the Treasury once available.

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