Collections and Payments


PPS Logo PPS is a 24-hour bill payment service that allows you to settle your bills by a tone phone, Internet, or the mobile application "PPS on Mobile" anytime, anywhere. Instruction for payment given before midnight on the due date will be regarded as on time.

Available for payment of :

Department Bills PPS Merchant Code
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Feed wild animals / pigeons (Fixed Penalty) 6743
Department of Health Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) 9760
Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong 9708
Environmental Protection Department Chemical / Clinical Waste Demand Notes 59
Waste Disposal / Transfer Deposit Demand Notes 59
Waste Disposal / Transfer Demand Notes 59
Plastic Shopping Bags (Fixed Penalty) 6246
Disposable Plastic Products (Fixed Penalty) 6750
Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) 9942
Fire Services Department Dangerous Goods Store / Vehicle Licence Fees 6585
Fees for Fire Services Certificate for Licensed / Registered Premises 6585
Fees for Certificate for Compliance with Section 16(1)(b) or 21(6)(d) of the Buildings Ordinance 6585
Fire Service Installation Contractors Registration Related Fees 6585
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Market Stall Rent 9147
Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness or Obstruction Offence) 9147
Hong Kong Police Force / Hong Kong Housing Authority Fixed Penalty (Traffic Tickets) 9175
Hongkong Post Bill Types 01, 02 and 03 6586
Inland Revenue Department Tax Demand Notes 10
Business Registration Fees 10
Purchase of Tax Reserve Certificates 10
Stamp Duties / Hotel Accommodation Tax 10
Lands Department Government Rent Demand Notes 24
Legal Aid Department Contribution / Damages & Maintenance / Litigation Costs 9913
Marine Department Marine Department Miscellaneous Bills 6644
Office of the Communications Authority Licence Fee 9122
Rating & Valuation Department Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent 09
Water Supplies Department Water Bills 08
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) Repayment Demand Notes 44
Non-means-tested Loan Repayment Demand Notes 44
Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students Repayment Demand Notes 44
Various Government Departments General Demand Notes 9174

Procedures for paying your bill with PPS :

Step 1 : PPS Account Opening through PPS Terminal (one-off)

  1. Go to any PPS registration terminal with your Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Card
  2. Select language
  3. Press "1" to open an account
  4. Swipe the ATM Card through the PPS terminal
  5. Select bank account
  6. Enter ATM PIN
  7. Enter mobile number to receive One-time Passwords in future for authentication purpose
  8. Choose a 5-digit PPS Phone Password
  9. Press "1" to set up PPS Internet Password (if applicable)
  10. Choose a 8-digit PPS Internet Password (if applicable)
  11. Collect and keep PPS confirmation slip with your personal 8-digit PPS Account Number *
* Please keep the slip for using the service in the future.

Step 2 : Bill Registration

Through Tone Phone

  1. Dial 18011 through a tone phone
  2. Key in "1" for bill registration
  3. Key in PPS Account Number
  4. Key in Merchant Code
  5. Key in Bill Account Number **
  6. Enter One-time Password received by your registered mobile number (if applicable)

Through Internet

  1. Go to the website ""
  2. Login with (i) PPS Account Number / Name and (ii) PPS Internet Password
  3. Select "Add Bill"
  4. Select the Merchant
  5. Key in Bill Account Number **
  6. Enter One-time Password received by your registered mobile number (if applicable)

Through “PPS on Mobile” ^

  1. Run the application “PPS on Mobile”
  2. Login with (i) PPS Account Number / Name or dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel and (ii) PPS Internet Password
  3. Select "Add Bill"
  4. Select the Merchant
  5. Key in Bill Account Number **
  6. Enter One-time Password received by your registered mobile number (if applicable)
^ Please download and install the application “PPS on Mobile” in your mobile device before you perform the above steps.
** Each bill account should be registered once only using the selected payment channel.

Step 3 : Bill Payment

Through Tone Phone

  1. Dial 18031 through a tone phone
  2. Key in PPS Phone Password
  3. Key in Merchant Code
  4. Key in Bill Account Number
  5. Key in Bill Type (if applicable)
  6. Key in Bill Payment Amount
  7. Note the Payment Reference Number #
  8. Select to pay other bills (if applicable)
# Don't cease the operation until the whole Payment Reference Number has been given or the whole transaction will be cancelled.

Through Internet

  1. Go to the website ""
  2. Login with (i) PPS Account Number / Name and (ii) PPS Internet Password
  3. Select "Pay Bill"
  4. Select the bill and click "Pay" button
  5. Key in Bill Payment Amount and Bill Type (if applicable)
  6. Verify the payment instruction and click "Pay" button
  7. Note the Payment Reference Number

Through “PPS on Mobile”

  1. Run the application “PPS on Mobile”
  2. Login with (i) PPS Account Number / Name or dedicated PPS Account Name for mobile channel and (ii) PPS Internet Password
  3. Select "Pay Bill"
  4. Select the bill
  5. Key in Bill Payment Amount and Bill Type (if applicable)
  6. Click “Proceed” button
  7. Verify the payment instruction and click "Pay" button
  8. Note the Payment Reference Number

For enquiries, please visit or call the following numbers :

24-hour PPS Information Hotline 900 00 222 329
PPS Hotline 2311 9876

For further assistance from the Treasury, please Contact Us.
